Malaysian Style Spicy Tamarind Silver Pomfret Fish 🌺||🌺"Asam Pedas Ikan Duai Perak"

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(Recipe is in English and Bahasa Malaysia)

Hello wonderful people. I'm Nora Liban from Malaysia. Welcome to Nora Liban's Kitchen @ Norma Bty Kitchen.  Thank you so much for coming by and I really appreciate it. I'm always so grateful with you all.  If you are here for the first time, for your info, I've been posting recipes in my blog since 5th November 2020. My passion is cooking and I believe that everything I do with passion will make me feel fulfilled and satisfied/happy. I hereby assure you that I'll be updating my blog from time to time with new recipes@my own version of recipes or a modified version, therefore stay tuned with Nora Liban's Kitchen. Have a nice day and may God bless!!!

*If you have any queries regarding "this Recipe", feel free to visit my Facebook Page" and leave your message there and I'll give you a reply whenever I'm free. 'or' feel free to leave your messages/comments in the comments section below*
Pictures of ingredients πŸ‘‡
I bought some fresh Silver Pomfret fish from the market this morning and this is one of  my top 10 favorite fish. Today, I'm very delighted to share with you how I made my version of "Spicy Tamarind Silver Pomfret Fish@ Asam Pedas Ikan Duai Perak" with simple ingredients/spices available at home. This dish is immensely popular in Malaysia and it's one of my family's favorite dishes. Here's the recipe just in case you would like to give it a try.


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Ingredients for Tamarind Silver Pomfret FishπŸ‘‡
Ingredients A
(Bahan -bahan A)
1). Silver Pomfret Fish) - 800grams, rinsed with salt and calamasi lime /
*(Ikan Duai Perak - 800gram, bersihkan ikan dengan garam dan limau kasturi)
Ingredients B
(Bahan - Bahan B)
1). Shallot(s) - 120 grams, sliced /
*(Bawang Merah - 120 gram, dihiris)
2). Garlic - 10 cloves, sliced /
*(Bawang Putih - 10 ulas, dihiris)
3). Dried chillies - 15-20 pieces, soaked in hot water and drained /
*(Cili kering - 15 - 20 biji, rendam dalam air panas dan toskan)
4). Bird's eye Chilli - 6 pieces /
*(Cili Padi - 6 biji)
5). Candlenut or Cashew nut - 8 pieces /
*(Buah keras atau Kacang gajus- 8 biji)
6). Toasted Shrimp paste - 2 tsp / "or" 2 tbsp of dried prawns /
*(Belacan - 2 sdt, bakar /"atau" 2 sdm udang kering - saya sendiri guna udang kering Langkawi sebab saya allergic belacan).
7). Fresh turmeric - 10 grams, sliced /
*(Kunyit segar - 10 gram, hiris)
*Put all Ingredients B in a blender and blend until fine.
*(Masukkan semua bahan B dalam blender dan kisar halus).
Ingredients C
(Bahan - Bahan C)
1. Lady's finger - 6 pcs /
*(Kacang Bendi - 6 biji)
2. Kesum Leaves @ Vietnamese Mint - 2 sprigs /
*(Daun Kesum - 2 tangkai)
3). Torch Ginger Flower - 2 stalks /
*(Bunga Kantan - 2 biji)
4). Fenugreek - 1/2  tsp /
*(Biji Halba - 1/2 sdt)
5). Lemongrass - 2 stalks, bruised /
*(Serai - 2 batang, ketuk)
6). Tamarind Paste - 3 tsp or to taste /
*(Pes Asam Jawa - 3 sdt atau ikut citarasa)
7). Oil - 6 tbsp or sufficient amount / 
*(Minyak - 6 sdm atau secukupnya)
8). Water - 1.2 liters - *you can add more water if you prefer thinner gravy /
*(Air - 1.2 liter -  *boleh tambah air kalau nak kuah kurang pekat)
9). Black pepper powder - 1 tsp /
*(Serbuk lada hitam - 1 Sdt)
Ingredients D - Seasonings
(Bahan - Bahan D - Bahan Perasa)
1). Salt - to taste /
*(Garam - ikut citarasa)
2). Anchovy stock powder - 2 tsp)
*(Serbuk perasa ikan bilis - 2 sdt)
3). Brown sugar - to taste /
*(Gula perang - ikut citarasa)
(Cara membuatπŸ‘‡)
1). Heat 6 tbsp of oil in a wok. Add lemongrass and fenugreek. Stir fry till fragrant.
*(Panaskan 6 sdm minyak dan tumis serai dan biji halba hingga wangi).

2). Put in blended ingredients(Ing.B) and sautΓ© over low heat till oil rises to the top or red colour oil is visible.
*(Masukkan bahan kisar (B) dan kacau dengan api kecil hingga pecah minyak).

3). Once red colour oil is visible, add 1.2 liters of water, tamarind paste, salt, brown sugar, black pepper powder and anchovy stock. Stir briefly and bring to boil over high heat.
*(Masukkan 1.2 liter air, Pes Assam Jawa, Garam, Gula perang, serbuk lada hitam dan stock Ikan bilis. Kacau sekejap dan didihkan dengan api besar).

4). Add in Fish and let it boil for about 3 minutes over medium heat.
*(Masukkan Ikan dan  masak ikan selama  3 minit dengan api sederhana). 

5). Then add Lady's finger, Torch ginger flower and Kesum leaves. Stir briefly and simmer for 10 minutes over medium heat.
*(Masukkan Kacang bendi,  bunga Kantan dan daun kesum. Kacau sekejap dan masak dengan api sederhana selama 10 minit).

6). Once done, turn off the heat. Ready to be served.
*(Bila sudah masak sepenuhnya padamkan api dan sedia untuk dihidang).


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