Braised Egg Tofu with Minced Chicken Meat & Dried Chinese/Shiitake Mushrooms.

Hello wonderful people. I'm Nora Liban from Malaysia. Welcome to Nora Liban's Kitchen @ Norma Bty Kitchen.  Thank you so much for coming by and I really appreciate it. If you are here for the first time, for your info, I've been posting recipes in my blog since 5th November 2020. My passion is cooking and I believe that everything I do with passion will make me feel fulfilled and satisfied/happy. I hereby assure you that I'll be updating my blog from time to time with new recipes@my own version of recipes or a modified version, therefore stay tuned with Nora Liban's Kitchen. Have a nice day and may God bless!!!

*If you have any queries regarding "this Recipe", feel free to visit my Facebook Page and leave your message there and I'll give you a reply whenever I'm free.*

Pictures of ingredients๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘‡
I cooked braised egg tofu with minced chicken meat and dried Shiitake Mushrooms for dinner yesterday. I bought five(5) tubes of egg tofu from MYDIN supermarket which cost me only (Ringgit Malaysia)๐Ÿ‘‰RM1.00 each. If you've never tried this dish before, for your information, egg tofu is made from eggs, soy milk and water and the texture is very soft, so you have to be extra careful and gentle when come to handling. This dish is not that difficult to prepare and it is well liked by my family and friends and we normally pair it with steamed white rice and other side dishes. The best way to cook egg tofu is to get it pan fried(Note : "NO" need to coat with flour) in order to make the exterior crispy and a bit firm before mixing it with meat or vegetables. Here are the ingredients;
Ingredients A
(Bahan - Bahan A)
1. Boneless Chicken thigh - 200grams, chopped into tiny bits /
-(Daging paha ayam tanpa tulang - 200gram, potong kecil)
2. "Maggi Cukup Rasa" seasoning powder or you can use any brand -1 tsp /
-(Serbuk "Maggi Cukup Rasa" atau boleh guna apa - apa brand - 1 sdt)
3. Light soya sauce - 1/2 tbsp /
-(Kicap soya cair - 1/2 sdm)
๐Ÿ‘‰Place A in a bowl and mix well. Marinate for 20 minutes.
*(Masukkan semua bahan A dalam sebuah mangkuk dan gaul rata. Perap selama 20 minit)
Ingredients B
(Bahan - Bahan-Bahan B)
1. Egg Tofu @ Japanese tofu, 130grams each - 5 tubes, cut along the shortest side of the tube, gently push the egg tofu out of the tube, sliced into disc shape about 1/2 inch thick /
-(Tofu telur @ Japanese tofu, 130gram - 5 tube, potong dalam bentuk bulat, 1/2 inci tebal)
2. Dried Shiitake Mushroom - 4 pcs, thinly sliced, soaked in water till soft and drained /
-(Kulat kering Shiitake - 4 biji, hiris nipis, rendam dalam air hingga lembut, toskan)
3). Crab Stick - 3 sticks, defrost and unwrap crab sticks packaging and cut into segments.
-(Stick Ketam - 3 batang, potong memanjang)
4). Black Rice Vinegar - 1 tbsp, add more if needed /
-(Cuka Beras Hitam - 1 sdm, tambah jika perlu)
Ingredients C
(Bahan-Bahan C)
1). Light soya sauce - 1 tbsp /
-(Kicap soya cair - 1 sdm)
2). Dark soya sauce - 1 tbsp /
-(Kicap pekat - 1 tbsp)
3). Brown sugar or palm sugar - 1 tsp/
-(Gula Perang atau gula Melaka - 1 sdt)
4). Chilli powder - 1 tsp/
-(Serbuk cili - 1 sdt)
5). White Pepper Powder - 1/2 tsp /
-(Serbuk Lada Putih - 1/2 sdt)
6). Salt - to taste /
-(Garam - Ikut citarasa)
7). Water - 500ml/
-(Air - 500ml)
Ingredients D
(Bahan - Bahan D)
1). Garlic - 5 cloves, minced /
-(Bawang Putih - 5 ulas, dicincang)
2). Fresh Ginger - 4cm, minced /
-(Halia - 4 sm, dicincang)
Ingredients E
(Bahan - Bahan E)
 1). Potato starch or tapioca flour - 1.5 tbsp, -I used tapioca flour /
-(Tepung kentang atau Tepung Ubi - 1.5 sdm, - saya guna tepung ubi)
2). Water - 6 tbsp /
-(Air - 6 sdm)
๐Ÿ‘‰Combine Ingredients E in one cup and mix well.
*(Campurkan semua bahan E dalam satu cawan dan campur rata)
Oil for frying
*(Minyak untuk mengoreng)
(Cara membuat)
1). Heat 2 tbsp(add if needed) of oil in a non-stick pan and pan fry the egg tofu slices for 3 minutes or until golden brown on each side over low heat. Drain on paper towel and set aside.
*(Panaskan 2 sdm(tambah jika perlu) minyak dalam non-stick pan dan masak kepingan tofu telur selama 3 minit untuk kedua-dua belah dengan api kecil atau sehingga warna keemasan. Ketepikan).

2). Heat 4 tbsp of oil in a wok, add minced garlic and minced ginger(Ingredients D). Stir fry until fragrant.
*(Panaskan 4 sdm minyak dalam kuali, masukkan bawang putih dan halia(bahan D). Kacau rata hingga wangi).

3). Add in ingredients A, stir fry well then add in Mushroom and ingredients C. Bring to boil over high heat. 
*(Masukkan bahan A, kacau sekejap, masukkan kulat shiitake dan juga bahan C. Masak dengan api besar hingga mendidih).

4). Once the gravy is boiling, stir in potato starch solution(ingredients E). 
*(Bila kuah sudah mendidih, masukkan campuran tepung kentang@bahan E).

5). Add in the pan fried egg tofu, crab sticks and black rice vinegar. Stir well over medium heat till the gravy thickens. 
*(Masukkan tofu goreng, stick ketam dan juga cuka beras hitam. Kacau rata dengan api sederhana hingga kuah pekat).

6). Turn off the heat, dish out and garnish with finely chopped spring onions. Ready to be served. 
*(Padamkan api dan hias dengan hirisan daun bawang. Sedia untuk dihidang).
