Grilled Chicken Wings In Hoisin Sauce Glazed with Honey🌺||🌺[Kepak Ayam Panggang Dengan Sos Hoisin & Madu]

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(Recipe is in English and Bahasa Malaysia)

Hello wonderful people. I'm Nora Liban from Malaysia. Welcome to Nora Liban's Kitchen @ Norma Bty Kitchen.  Thank you so much for coming by and I really appreciate it. I'm always so grateful with you all.  If you are here for the first time, for your info, I've been posting recipes in my blog since 5th November 2020. My passion is cooking and I believe that everything I do with passion will make me feel fulfilled and satisfied/happy. I hereby assure you that I'll be updating my blog from time to time with new recipes@my own version of recipes or a modified version, therefore stay tuned with Nora Liban's Kitchen. Have a nice day and may God bless!!!

*If you have any queries regarding "this Recipe", feel free to visit my Facebook Page" and leave your message there and I'll give you a reply whenever I'm free. 'or' feel free to leave your messages/comments in the comments section below*
Pictures of Ingredients and methods👇
As requested by my son, I made my version of "Baked Hoisin Chicken Wings glazed with Honey for today's lunch. This dish is very simple and easy to prepare but it's very delicious. I've made this dish a couple of times for my family and today, I'm very delighted to share the recipe with you and I hope you like it. You can pair it with whatever you like or you can just eat it on its own. For your info, I used grilling and broiling methods for this recipe.
Other recipes that you might like//Other recipes/posts that you might have missed 👇
👇1. Fried Chicken Drumsticks with Sesame Seeds - Curry Flavour
👇2. Malaysian Satay Dipping Sauce @ Peanut Sauce.
👇3. Spiced Fried Chicken Wings with Curry Leaves.
👇7. Fried Sea Bass With Cherry Tomatoes & Sweet Chili Sauce
👇8. Malaysian Village - Style  Fried Rice Recipe
Ingredients for Grilled Hoisin Chicken Wings👇
Ingredients A.
(Bahan - Bahan A)
1.- Chicken Wings - 10-12pcs (1kg) /
-(Sayap Ayam-10-12 keping(1kg)
Ingredients B
(Bahan - Bahan B)
1.- Hoisin Sauce - 5 tbsp/
-(Sos Hoisin - 5 sdm)
2.- Barbecue Sauce - 2 tbsp/
-(Sos barbecue - 2sdm)
3.- Honey - 4tbsp/
-(Madu - 4sdm)
4.-Chicken seasoning powder - 2 tsp/
-(Serbuk perasa ayam - 2 sdt)
5.-Garlic powder - 1 tsp/
-(Serbuk Bawang Putih - 1 sdt)
6. Salt - 1 tsp /
-(Garam - 1 sdt)
7). Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp /
-(Minyak Sayur - 3 sdm)
Ingredients C - For Glazing
(Bahan - Bahan C - utk menyadur)
1. Honey - 1 cup, for glazing*add more if needed/
(Madu untuk menyadur  - 1 cawan*tambah jika perlu)
For garnishing;
(Untuk hiasan)
👉Toasted white sesame seeds - 1 tbsp /
(Biji bijan putih panggang - 1 Sdm)

Method 👇
(Cara membuat 👇)
1). Add Ingredients B with the Chicken Wings(A). Mix well and keep to marinate in the fridge for at least 2 hours.
**(Masukkan bahan - bahan B dengan A(Ayam), gaul rata dan perap selama 2 jam dalam peti sejuk).

2). Remove the marinated chicken from the refrigerator and let it sit in room temperature for around 30 minutes. Line the roasting pan with aluminum foil for fast and easy clean up. Grease the lined roasting pan with few drops of oil.
*(Keluarkan ayam dari peti sejuk dan biarkan berada dalam suhu bilik selama 30 minit. Lapikkan loyang dengan aluminum foil dan sapu sedikit minyak). 

3). Preheat oven to 200°C. When the oven is up to the temperature,  grill the marinated chicken at 200°C for 20 minutes. 👉Note : I used grilling and broiling methods.
*(Panaskan oven dengan suhu 200°C dan pangang ayam pada suhu 200°C selama 20 minit. 👉Nota:Saya guna oven dengan alat pemanggang bawah dan atas). 

4). After 20 minutes, remove the chicken from the oven and  glaze it with Honey(C). Then flip it and continue to bake for another 20 minutes.
**( Selepas 20 minutes, keluarkan ayam dari dalam oven, sadur/glaze dengan madu dan balikkan Ayam.  Bakar ayam lagi selama 20 minit).

 5). Once done, glaze it with Honey(Ingredients C) one more time before serving.
**(Bila sudah masak sepenuhnya glaze/sadur sekali lagi dengan madu sebelum hidang).

6) Garnish with toasted white sesame seeds and it's ready to be served.
**(Hiaskan ayam panggang dengan biji bijan putih. Sedia untuk dihidang).


  1. danke für das Rezept, werde ich demnächst ausprobieren

  2. ILL give it a try. Cheers to lovely Miss Liban. Hello from German Alps. I last been to Malaysia in 2007 when working with foreign trades in Kl at Sambanathan road with german embassy.
    God bless and stay safe.

    1. Hello Mr. Mueller. I guessed you've tried Malaysian Satay during your stay in Malaysia in 2007. Whenever you're free do give this recipe a try. God bless you too and stay safe.

  3. Nice recipe. Last i ate satay was on Lufthansa to KL for a business trip. Malaysia food is the best and also wonderful masterchef Liban

    1. Hello Ms. Klopp. I'm so happy to hear that you love Malaysian food. Thanks so much and have a blessed day.

  4. Thanks for the recipe Nora. This is my favorite food blog. Memang berkenan dengan selera sya. Do you any catering for Gombak area

    1. You're welcome Candice. We are Malaysian, jadi selera kita pun sama. I'm so sorry, I don't do catering. I'm a food blogger, I love cooking and love to share my recipes. Stay tuned with Nora Liban's Kitchen and stay safe. God bless.

  5. Wow, very delicious looking. My sister recommended this blog to me. Big fan of yours Chef, keep it up!!!

    1. Good afternoon Mr. Lim. Whenever you're free, just give this recipe a try. Sedaplah ni ayam Mr. Lim. Thanks ya. Happy Valentine's day and stay blessed.

  6. Nice revipe Mrs chef, i love your blog so much. Greeting from thailand

    1. Thank you so much for visiting my blog Mr. Srirangkon. I really appreciate it. Have a nice day and stay safe.

  7. Been a long time fan of urs since 2020. Saya ni peminat otai . Keep it up Puan. Salam dri Sabah

    1. Thank you so much Madam Chong. Nice to hear from you. Much love from me!!!. Have a nice day and God bless.

  8. Salam kak, peminat masakan dari fb. Ktk org Swak kh kak. Mcm pernah nnga kitak tpi sik berani ku negur . Bah selamat maju jaya kak.

    1. Hello Bonni. Saya sangat gembira jumpa kamu disini dan saya memang orang Sarawak berbangsa Kenyah. Lain kali kalau jumpa di mana-mana jangan takut tegur. Tegur, jangan sik tegur auk'. Bah..selamat malam & God bless.

  9. Trimakasih kak, sbb buat dlm dua bhasa. Nang minat masakan ktk. Maklomlah kmk tok sik pande gilak mok speking. Salam dari Kuching Swak kak Nora. Kalau dtg swak, iboh lupak singgah kedey gerey kt metrocity.

    1. Selamat petang Aini. Terimakasih sebab udah singgah sitok. Kamek nang sengaja guna dua bahasa sebab consider peminat yang selesa guna bahasa Malaysia. Mun terjumpa di seney2 jangan lupa tegur. Terimakasih sekali lagi dan moga sentiasa sihat.amin

  10. Hello, for the 200 celcius temperature, which setting do i use. My oven does not have specific temperature. Only high , medium and low. Sorry, im not good in cooking. Wanted to try this dish for my family gathering.Thank you

    1. Hello Carmen. 200 Celsius temperature is in between medium and high temperature. If your oven does not have any specific temperature, I would suggest that you use high for the first 10 minutes and then lower the temperature to medium for another 10 minutes. Check it from time to time to prevent the chicken from burning. Thanks Carmen. Have a blessed day.

  11. Nice and delicious recipe. Love it, thanks for the recipe. I love trying other cuisines. Greetings to Chef Nora from Amritsar.

    1. Hello Mr. Chaundary. Nice to hear from you. For your info, I love Indian cuisines very much...I mean both North and South Indian cuisines. Regards from Malaysia. Have a blessed day.

  12. Thanks for the recipe Nora. I love this type of oriental cuisine. Greetings from Manhattan. You got yourself a new fan today. Nice google recommendation

    1. You're most welcome Elsie. I'm very pleased to hear from you. Have a wonderful day and may God bless you and your family abundantly!

  13. Thanks for the recipe Miss Nora, blessings from Bombay

    1. You're welcome Miss Gaythri. Good morning from Malaysia. Nice to hear from you. Have a blessed weekend and stay safe.

  14. Nice and delicious chicken. Made it for my family and enjoyed it with vodka. Love from Sochi

    1. Good morning from Malaysia Aliya. I'm very happy to hear that you like this recipe. Hope you enjoy your weekend and stay blessed.

  15. Aleksandar BjørndegærdFebruary 19, 2022 at 10:32 AM

    Nicr recipe, beautiful cgef. Love from Malmo. Pretty my dear and drlicious food. My sista has cooked your chicken and we lovd it during St Valentines.

    1. Hello Aleksandar. Nice to hear from you. I'm very pleased to hear that you love this chicken recipe. Stay tuned with "Nora Liban's Kitchen" for more recipes. Wishing you and your family a wonderful weekend. May God bless!!!

  16. Aliana Quizaro EndradaFebruary 19, 2022 at 2:31 PM

    Salamat po, thanks for the recipe

  17. Nice recipe. Hello from Adelaide��

    1. Hello Victoria. Glad to hear from you. Thanks so much and enjoy your weekend.

  18. Masakan mung memey kawe akui sedap nyah. Peminat setia mu dri Kelate. Kalau mung nak, singgahlah ke warongku di Bachok. Memey terbaik resepinya. Allah berkati mu

    1. Amin, amin dan amin atas doa Cik Justina. Terimakasih ya kerana singah di sini. Di mana ya gerai kamu di Bachok. Kalau Covid dah okay saya teringin nak lawat kelantan. Saya pernah pergi sampai Alor Seta sahaja dan belum ke Kelantan lagi. Saya tahu makanan Kelantan semua sedap-sedap. Wanita Kelantan pun cantik-cantik semua. Selamat malam, moga sentiasa sihat dan murah rezeki.

  19. Can i substitute the hoisin for teriyaki, as hoisin isnt qvailable in my local asian market. Love from San Diego

  20. Dont worry, i bought miso sauce which is recommende by my grocer. Going to taste as i cook. Thanks Nora and god bless

    1. You're welcome Frank. Since you've already bought Miso sauce, I would suggest you use one to two TBSP of that particular sauce for 1.2 kg of chicken wings as Miso sauce is a bit salty. Hoisin sauce taste sweet. Happy cooking and have a nice day.

  21. Ive cooked your chicken. It taste very delicious. I went to wallmart and wala, i found the hoisin sauce. It was quite costly but worth it. A bottle of paste was 7 dollars. My kids loved it. Im new to cooking as Im a single dad now. My wife passed away last year due to labor complications with mt fifth daughter. God bless you Nora. Happy weeknd too.

    1. I'm very sorry for the loss of your beloved wife and please accept my condolences. I'm so glad to hear that your children loved the grilled chicken. Thanks so much and May God gives you strength and peace during this difficult time.

  22. How much does hoisin normally cost, i bought it for 7 dollars. Its a 120g bottle

    1. Wowww...7 dollars for 120grams is too expensive. I got mine for only USD1.70 - 240gams. I mean Malaysian made Hoisin sauce.

    2. Its okay, what matters is that its delicious. I rrcently imigrated to the Us , im from German. Just got a job here, so its been decent settling down. My eldest daughter is already 10 and she loved the dish so much

    3. Oh I see, you're German. I was attached with a German firm@Piling Contractor in Kuala Lumpur known as "BAUER" few years back. My former boss was a German.

  23. Terima kasih until resepi kak, Salam Dari Miri...

    1. Sama-sama Aida. Kamek pun asal Miri jua. Moga ktk sekeluarga sentiasa sihat.

  24. Salam dri Kedah. Pahabaq, Kak nora .Akak org tang mana . Memey aku kena bagitau masakan hg ni sedap. Allah berkati akak

    1. Selamat Petang Cik Salmah dan saya baik2 shja. Terimakasih banyak2 atas doanya...amin..amin..amin. Saya berasal dari Miri Sarawak. Dulu kerja di KL dalam "Constuction Company" dan sekarang di Kuching tapi masih ulang alik ke Kuala Lumpur krna ada kelurga di sana. Terimakasih krna suka resepi akak. Akak pernah ke Sungai Petani dan Alor Seta dulu2 lawat kawan. Salam sayang dari akak dan Tuhan berkati kamu sekeluarga juga.

  25. Siti Kalsom binti AzriFebruary 22, 2022 at 3:58 PM

    Salam dri Selangor. Sya sngt minat akak dri zaman fb 2020 lagi. Allah mencucuri nikmat ke atas kluarga akak dn blog yerrr. Thankiu kak. Resepi nsi masala akak, sya pakai niaga kt kmpong. Alhamdullilah rmai peminat. Maklomlah, pkp dlu teda keje. Trima kasih sngt2 .

    1. Salam juga dari akak utk Siti sekeluarga. Saya sangat gembira dengar kamu dah buka business Nasi Masala di kampung dan tambah gembira lagi bila dengar Nasi Siti banyak peminat. Saya doakan agar business kamu terus menerus berkembang dan makin ramai pelanggan. Terimakasih juga atas doa Siti dan saya terima doa tu dengan kata ya dan amin, amin dan amin.

  26. Siti Kalsom binti AzriFebruary 22, 2022 at 4:04 PM

    Hrap aka jgn marah ye,sya niaga kat kuala selangor. Kalau akak, nak sila dtg ke gerai di Balakong. Tq akak, tpi sya cut kos sikit sbb maklomlah nasi budget. Pakai planta jer. Tq kak, sya sngat menghargai akak.

    1. Saya faham sangat. Pakai planta pun okay juga kalau nasi budget. Kalau pakai ghee nanti takde untung sebab ghee mahal. Kalau untuk sendiri makan boleh guna ghee. Kalau di rumah biasanya saya masak dalca utk kuah nasi ayam masala ni. Saya pernah pgi kuala selangor sebanyak 3 kali utk beli ikan dan makan seafood di kedai cina di tepi sungai tu. Kalau keadaan mengizinkan lain kali sya pgi lagilah. Munkin masa tu Siti dah buka kedai makan, kan. Tiada apa yang mustahil.

  27. Siti Kalsom binti AzriFebruary 22, 2022 at 4:06 PM

    Pembetulan hehe. Sya niaga kt kuala slgor, kak ipar di balakong.tapi keci jer kak. Bawah pokok

    1. Oh..okay. Tak apa, berniaga bawah pokok pun boleh, mana-mana pun boleh, yang penting halal.

  28. Bonjour, from Parí. Beautiful chef. The bester blog. I no speak English. Only Francois

    1. Hello from Malaysia Mr. Laroix. I'm so glad to hear from you. Thank you so much for visiting my blog. Enjoy you day and be blessed.

  29. Nice recipe, love from Utrecth ,Holland

  30. Love from Hollande. I'm big fans from year 2020, internationale food group fb

    1. Hi Higk! Nice to hear from you and thank you so much for stopping by. I really appreciate it. I wish you all good things and be blessed. Good night from Malaysia.

  31. I tried to cooks this recipe. It's very delicious and my famili loves it. Good morning from Holland.

    1. Hello Selena. I'm very happy to hear that your family love the grilled chicken that you cooked. Wishing you a peaceful and blissful day. Good night from Malaysia.

  32. My mum's favorite blogs . We love ur recipes

    1. Good evening from Malaysia Peter. I guessed your Mum is Selena Boer and I hope I'm correct. Have a wonderful weekend.

    2. Thank you very much Peter. I'm so glad that your family loves my recipe.

  33. Beautiful chef. So evergreen and lovely looking and nicest of foods.

    1. Hi Allison. Thank you so much for the compliment and I'm delighted to hear from you. Wishing you a wonderful, wonderful and wonderful weekend and stay blessed.

  34. Love from Quebec. I love ur chicken

    1. Thanks so much Peter. Good evening from Malaysia. I guessed now is early morning in Quebec. Have a blessed weekend.

  35. Delicious fish. Going to ask my daughter to prepare it. Hello to our Neigbor Msia from Singapore

    1. Hello Mr. Raj. I'm happy to hear from you. Hope you'll enjoy the grilled fish. Goodnight and stay blessed.

  36. Wow sangat sedap ye. I have tried the resipe and memang sangat sedap. Going to share it with my freinds

  37. Thanks for the best recipe. Better than Chinese people cooking. Support food blogger Malaysia. New fans

    1. You're welcome Ma'am. Have a wonderful weekend and may God bless.


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