Chicken Rice & Grilled Chicken Legs With Oyster Sauce 🌺||🌺 [Nasi Ayam & Ayam Panggang Sos Tiram]

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(Recipe is in English and Bahasa Malaysia)

Hello wonderful people. I'm Nora Liban from Malaysia. Welcome to Nora Liban's Kitchen @ Norma Bty Kitchen.  Thank you so much for coming by and I really appreciate it. I'm always so grateful with you all.  If you are here for the first time, for your info, I've been posting recipes in my blog since 5th November 2020. My passion is cooking and I believe that everything I do with passion will make me feel fulfilled and satisfied/happy. I hereby assure you that I'll be updating my blog from time to time with new recipes@my own version of recipes or a modified version, therefore stay tuned with Nora Liban's Kitchen. Have a nice day and may God bless!!!

*If you have any queries regarding "this Recipe", feel free to visit my Facebook Page" and leave your message there and I'll give you a reply whenever I'm free. 'or' feel free to leave your messages/comments in the comments section below*
Pictures of ingredients and methods πŸ‘‡
I was craving for Chicken Rice for the past few days and finally made Grilled Chicken Legs with Oyster Sauce coated with butter and Turmeric Chicken Rice for last night's dinner. This is my own recipe@my own version, created to suit my taste and I've been using it for the past 20 years. Chicken Rice is a popular street food in Malaysia, served with chili dipping sauce and usually garnished with cucumber.  This dish is absolutely delicious. Give it a try and I think you'll love it. 
Other recipes that you might like//Other recipes/posts that you might have missed πŸ‘‡
Grilled Mackerel Fish in Butter Garlic Sauce & Chili Dipping Sauce.
πŸ‘‡2. Fried Chicken Drumsticks with Sesame Seeds - Curry Flavour
πŸ‘‡3. Malaysian Satay Dipping Sauce @ Peanut Sauce.
πŸ‘‡4. Spiced Fried Chicken Wings with Curry Leaves.
πŸ‘‡8. Fried Sea Bass With Cherry Tomatoes & Sweet Chili Sauce.
πŸ‘‡9. Stir - Fry Spaghetti With Beef.
Ingredients for Grilled Chicken Legs With Oyster Sauce, Chicken Rice and Chilli Dipping SauceπŸ‘‡
I). GRILLED CHICKEN - Ingredients A, B & C

Ingredients A 
(Bahan - Bahan A)
1).Whole Chicken  legs - 4 pcs (1kg) /
*(Peha Ayam -4 keping (1kg)
2).Garlic - 2 bulbs, remove the outer papery layer, rinsed /
*(Bawang Putih - 2 biji penuh, buang selaput luar, dicuci)
3). Fresh Ginger - 10 grams, sliced /
*(Halia Segar - 10 gram, dihiia)
4). Chicken Stock Cube - 2 cubes /
*(Kube Pati Ayam - 2 kube)
5). Salt - 2 tsp or to taste /
*(Garam - 2 sdt atau ikut selera)
6). MSG - to taste * Optional /
*(MSG - ikut selera * Optional)
7). Water - 2 liters /
*(Air - 2 liter)
πŸ‘‰ Methods for A
(Cara membuat untuk A)
1). Pour 2 liters of water in a medium-sized pot. Add garlic, ginger, chicken cube and salt and then bring to a rolling boil over high heat. 
*(Masukkan 2 liter air dalam periuk sederhana besar. Tambah bawang putih, halia, garam dan kube stock ayam dan masak hingga mendidih dengan api besar).

2). Once the water is boiling, put in chicken and cook over medium - high heat for 15 minutes. 
*(Bila sudah mendidih, masukkan ayam dan masak dengan api sederhana - besar selama 15 minit).

3). Turn off the heat and then cover the pot with lid. Steep the chicken in covered pot for 25 minutes. 
*(Matikan api dan tutup periuk dengan tudung periuk. Biarkan ayam berendam dalam sup panas dengan periuk tertutup selama 25 minit).

4). Remove cooked chicken from the pot, drain well and allow to cool for a while.
*(Keluarkan ayam dari dalam periuk, toskan dan biar sejuk sedikit).

5). Reserve the Chicken Soup or Chicken stock to be used later for the Chicken Rice. 

"NOTE" : If you plan to use "rice cooker" to cook you chicken rice, let your chicken soup cool completely before using it. If you use hot water/hot chicken soup for rice cooker, your water will come to a boil faster and your rice won't cook thoroughly. It could end up gritty at the center of each grain.

*(Ketepikan/simpan sup ayam yang ada dalam periuk untuk masak nasi ayam nanti. 

"NOTA" : Kalau kamu bercadang guna "rice cooker" untuk masak nasi ayam, biarkan sup sejuk sebelum digunakan. Sebab, kalau guna air panas/sup panas untuk masak nasi dalam rice cooker, air akan mendidih cepat dan nasi akan masak tidak sekata@jadi nasi setengah matang).
Ingredients B
(Bahan - Bahan B)
1). Oyster sauce - 4 tbsp /
*(Sos tiram - 4 sdm)
2). Barbecue Sauce - 3 tbsp /
-(Sos Barbecue - 3 Sdm)
3). Light Saya Sauce - 3 tbsp /
*(Kicap soya cair - 3 sdm)
4). Chicken Seasoning powder - 0.5@half tsp /
*(Serbuk Pati Ayam - 0.5 sdt)
5). Chili Powder or Paprika Powder - 1 tsp * add more if needed /
*(Serbuk Cili atau Serbuk Paprika - 1 sdt * tambah jika perlu)
6). Garlic Powder - 1 tsp /
*(Serbuk Bawang Putih - 1 sdt)
7). Sesame Oil - 1 tsp /
*(Minyak Bijan - 1 sdt)
πŸ‘‰Combine ingredients B in a bowl, mix well and set aside.
*(Masukkan semua bahan C dalam sebuah mangkuk, gaul rata dan ketepikan)
Ingredients C
(Bahan - Bahan C)
1. Butter - 1 tbsp * add more if needed/
 *(Mentega - 1 Sdm * tambah jika perlu)
Methods for grilled Chicken @ - Ingredients A, B & CπŸ‘‡
(Cara membuat ayam panggang @ A, B & CπŸ‘‡)
1). In a large bowl, combine ingredients B with the cooked chicken (A). Mix well and set aside for 30 minutes - 1 hour.
*(Masukkan bahan - bahan B dengan A(ayam rebus) dalam sebuah mangkuk.  Gaul rata dan ketepikan selama 30 minit - 1 jam).

2).Preheat oven to 230°C. Line the roasting pan with aluminum foil for fast and easy clean up and grease the lined roasting pan with some butter. Then arrange the marinated chicken on the roasting pan.
*(Panaskan oven dengan suhu 230°C. Lapikkan dulang pembakar dengan aluminium foil dan sapu sedikit mentega atas dulang. Kemudian susun ayam yang telah diperap atas dulang).

3).When the oven is up to the temperature,  grill the marinated chicken at 230°C for 15/20 minutes. Check the chicken from time to time to prevent it from burningπŸ‘‰Note : I used grilling and broiling methods.
*(Bila oven sudah cukup panas, bakar ayam pada suhu 230°C selama 15/20 minit. Nota: Saya guna oven dengan alat pemangang atas dan bawah).

4). Once done, remove the Chicken from the oven and  coat with some butter (Ing.C) to add flavor to them and help the chicken to stay moist. Set aside.
*(Bila sudah siap dibakar, keluarkan dari dalam oven dan sapu sedikit mentega atas ayam panggang untuk rasa lebih sedap lagi dan juga untuk mengekalkan kelembapan ayam panggang. Ketepikan).



Ingredients D
(Bahan - Bahan D)
1). Jasmine rice - 700 grams, rinsed well and drained /
*(Beras wangi - 700 gram, cuci dan toskan)
2). Fresh Ginger - 5 grams, sliced /
*(Halia segar - 5 gram, dihiris)
3. Garlic - 6 cloves, chopped /
*(Bawang Putih - 6 ulas, dicincang)
4). Chicken seasoning powder - 1 tsp /
*(Serbuk Perasa ayam - 1 sdt)
5). Vegetable oil - 4 tbsp /
*(Minyak sayur - 4 sdm)
6). Sesame oil - 6 sdm /
*(Minyak Bijan - 6 tsp)
7). Chicken Soup (In Ing. A) - 900 ml, strained/
*(Sup Ayam (di A) - 900 ml, ditapis)
8). Turmeric powder - 1/8 tsp * Optional /
*(Sebuk Kunyit - 1/8 sdt * Optinal)
9). Screwpine leaves - 2 pieces * optional /
*(Daun pandan - 2 keping * optional)

πŸ‘‰Methods for Chicken Rice
*(Cara membuat untuk Nasi Ayam)
1). Heat 4 tbsp of vegetable oil and 6 tbsp of sesame oil in a wok. Put in garlic and ginger and stir fry till fragrant.
*(Panaskan 4 Sdm minyak sayur dan 6 Sdm minyak bijan dalam kuali. Masukkan bawang putih dan halia dan kacau rata hingga wangi).

2). Add in rice and stir fry well over low heat for about 1 minute. Turn off the flame and let the rice cool down completely. Then transfer the rice to the rice  cooker.
*(Masukkan beras dan kacau sekejap lebih kurang dalam satu minit dengan api kecil. Matikan api dan biarkan beras sejuk. Kemudian masukkan beras ke dalam rice cooker.

3). Add Chicken seasoning powder, screwpine leaves and chicken soup (in A). Mix well and cook the rice till fluffy.
*(Tambah serbuk perasa Ayam, daun pandan dan Sup Ayam(dalam A). Campur rata dan masak nasi hingga masak).

4). Once done, dish out and it's ready to be served with the grilled chicken (in A), Chili dipping sauce ( below recipe) and the chicken soup.
*(Bila nasi dah masak, hidangkan nasi bersama dengan Ayam panggang, Sambal  Cili dan juga baki sup ayam).



Chili Dipping Sauce Ingredients πŸ‘‡
(Bahan-Bahan untuk Sambal Cili)
1). Fresh Chilies - 60grams, cut into small pieces /
-(Cili segar - 60gram, dipotong kecil)
2). Garlic - 40grams, sliced /
-(Bawang putih - 40gram, dihiris)
3). Fresh Ginger - 20grams, sliced /
-(Halia Segar - 20gram, dihiris)
4). Bird's eye Chilies - 6 pieces*optional /
-(Cili Padi - 6 biji*optional)
5). Salt - 0.5@half tsp or to taste /
-(Garam - 0.5@setengah sdt atau ikut citarasa)
6). Brown or white sugar - 5 tsp or to taste /
-(Gula Perang atau Putih - 5 sdt atau ikut citarasa)
7). MSG - to taste*optional /
-(MSG - ikut citarasa*optional)
8). Calamansi lime extract - 3 tbsp*add more as prefered /
-(Perahan limau kasturi - 3 Sdm*tambah jika suka)
9). Chicken Soup(from A) - 100ml, strained* optional /
*(Sup ayam(dari A) - 100ml, ditapis * optional)
10). Light soya sauce - 1 tbsp /
*(Kicap soya cair - 1 sdm)
Methods for Chilli Dipping Sauce
(Cara membuat Sambal Cili)
1). Combine Chilies, garlic, ginger and bird's eye Chilies in a blender and blend coarsely.
(Masukkan cili, bawang putih, halia dan cili padi dalam blender dan kisar Kasar).

2). Dish out and add salt, sugar, MSG, Chicken Soup(in A), light soya sauce and calamansi lime extract. Mix well and allow the sugar and salt to fully dissolve.  It's ready to be served.
-(Masukkan bahan-bahan yang telah dikisar tadi dalam mangkuk dan tambahkan garam, Gula, MSG, Sup ayam(di A), kicap soya cair dan perahan limau kasturi. Gaul rata hingga gula dan garam cair. Sedia untuk dihidang).



Bring the remaining chicken soup(in A-No.5) to boil and add in any of your favorite vegetables in it. You can add salted vegetables, cabbage, Spring Onions and etc. Season with salt to taste.
*(Panaskan baki sup ayam(A-No.5) dan masukkan sayur kegemaran anda dalam sup seperti sayur masin, kobis, daun bawang dan lain-lain).


  1. Thanks utj resepi Kak . Mmg favorite keluarga kami resepi ayam mu. Salam dari Selangor.

    1. Selamat pagi Wan. Salam hari minggu. Terimakasih ya kerana suka resepi ayam akak. Moga kamu sekeluarga sentiasa sihat.


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