Fried Sea Bass Topped with Tom Yum Sauce 🌹||🌹[Ikan Siakap Dengan Sos Tom Yam].

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(Recipe is in English and Bahasa Malaysia)

Hello wonderful people. I'm Nora Liban from Malaysia. Welcome to Nora Liban's Kitchen @ Norma Bty Kitchen.  Thank you so much for coming by and I really appreciate it. I'm always so grateful with you all.  If you are here for the first time, for your info, I've been posting recipes in my blog since 5th November 2020. My passion is cooking and I believe that everything I do with passion will make me feel fulfilled and satisfied/happy. I hereby assure you that I'll be updating my blog from time to time with new recipes@my own version of recipes or a modified version, therefore stay tuned with Nora Liban's Kitchen. Have a nice day and may God bless!!!

*If you have any queries regarding "this Recipe", feel free to leave your messages/comments in the comments section below and I'll give you a reply whenever I'm free.*
Pictures of Ingredients and Methods πŸ‘‡
You've no idea what to make for dinner? Well, here's an easy recipe for you which was created by me recently known as Fried Sea Bass topped with Tom Yam Sauce. It tasted wonderful and if you feel like to try this recipe, apart from Sea Bass you may use either Grouper, Tilapia or Black pomfret because its meat has smooth, firm and tender texture. Happy cooking!

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πŸ‘‡7.  Grilled Mackerel Fish in Butter Garlic Sauce & Chili Dipping Sauce

Ingredients for Fried Sea Bass Topped with Tom Yum Sauce;πŸ‘‡

Ingredients A
(Bahan - Bahan A)
1). Sea Bass Fish @ Asian Sea Bass - 800 grams /
*(Ikan Siakap - 800 gram)
2). Anchovy stock powder - 2 tsp /
*(Serbuk Perasa Ikan bilis - 2 sdt)
3). Salt - to taste /
*(Garam - secukup rasa)
4). Tapioca flour/Potato starch/Corn starch/All purpose flour -  2 tbsp /
*(Tepung Ubi/tepung kentang/tepung jagung/tepung serbaguna -  2 sdm /
Methods for A
(Cara membuat untuk A)
1). Score the fish few times and rub salt and anchovy stock powder onto it. Set aside for 10 minutes. 
*(Kelarkan ikan beberapa kali dan lumurkan dengan garam dan serbuk perasa ikan bilis. Ketepikan selama 10 minit)
2). Heat enough oil in a wok. Coat the fish evenly with 2 tbsp of tapioca flour or potato starch.
*(Panaskan minyak secukupnya dalam kuali. Salutkan ikan dengan 2 sdm tepung ubi atau tepung kentang).
3). Shake off the excess flour from the fish and deep fry until golden brown on both sides. Drain the fried fish on paper towel and set aside.
*(Goreng ikan dengan minyak penuh hingga berwarna perang keemasan. Toskan ikan goreng atas tisu dapur. Ketepikan).
Ingredients B
(Bahan-Bahan B)
1). Garlic - 6 cloves /
*(Bawang Putih - 6 ulas)
2). Shallot - 6 pieces /
*(Bawang Merah - 6 biji)
3). Fresh Red Chili -  3 pieces /
*(Chili Merah Segar - 3 biji)
- Combine ingredients B in a blender and blend until fine /
*(Masukkan bahan B dalam blender dan kisar halus)

Ingredients C
1). Galangal - 5 grams, thinly sliced /
*(Lengkuas - 5 grams, dihiris nipis)
2). Lemongrass - 2 stalks, white part only, bruised /
*(Serai - 2 batang, bahagian putih sahaja, diketuk)
Ingredients D
(Bahan - Bahan D)
1). Onion - 1 piece, cut into rings /
*(Bawang Besar - 1 biji, potong bulat)
2). Red Bird's eye Chili - 5 pieces /
*(Cili Padi Merah - 5 biji)
3). Green Bird's eye Chili - 5 pieces /
*(Chili Padi Hijau - 5 pieces)
4).  Kafir Lime Leaves - 3 pieces, centre spine removed/
*(Daun Limau Purut - 3 keping, buang urat tengah)
5). Cherry Tomato - 6 pieces /
*(Tomato Cherry - 6 biji)

Ingredients E - mix well
(Bahan - Bahan E - Campur rata)
1). Tapioca Flour or Potato starch - 1.5 tbsp /
*(Tepung Ubi atau Tepung kentang - 1.5 sdm)
2). Water - 400 ml /
*(Air - 400 ml)

Ingredients F - mix well
(Bahan - Bahan F - Campur rata )
1). Tom Yum Paste - 1.5 tbsp /
*(Pes Tom Yam - 1.5 sdm)
2). Oyster Sauce - 1 tbsp /
*(Sos Tiram - 1 sdm)
3). Brown Sugar/White Sugar - 4 tsp or to taste /
*(Gula Perang/Gula Putih - 4 sdt atau ikut citarasa)
4). Anchovies Stock Powder - 0.5 tsp /
*(Serbuk Pati Ikan Bilis - 0.5 sdt)
5). Salt - to taste /
*(Garam - Ikut citarasa)

Oil for frying - sufficient amount /
*(Minyak untuk mengoreng - secukupnya)
(Cara Membuat)
1). Heat 4 tbsp(add more oil if needed) of oil in a wok.  Put in the blended ingredients(B) and stir over low heat until red color oil is visible.
*(Panaskan 4 sdm(tambah minyak jika perlu) minyak. Masukkan Bahan-Bahan B dan kacau dengan api kecil hingga pecah minyak).

2). Add in ingredients C and stir fry for a while till fragrant. 
 *(Masukkan Bahan-Bahan C dan kacau hingga wangi).

3). Then add in the tapioca flour solution(Ing. E) and ingredients F. Stir well over medium heat until the sauce has thickened and bubbling.
*(Masukkan bahan - bahan E dan bahan - bahan F. Kacau rata dan masak kuah/sauce dengan api sederhana sehingga kuah pekat).

4).  Put in ingredients D, stir for a while over high heat for about 30 seconds and turn off the heat.
*(Masukkan bahan - bahan D, kacau sekejap dengan api besar selama 30 saat dan matikan api).

5). Lastly, pour the gravy/sauce onto the fried fish and it's ready to be served.
*(Akhir sekali, tuangkan kuah/sos di atas ikan goreng tadi. Sedia untuk dihidang).


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