Chicken Curry with Dried Bean Curd - Malaysian Style🌹||🌹[ Kari Ayam Dengan Tauhu Kering ]

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(Recipe is in English and Bahasa Malaysia)

Hello wonderful people. I'm Nora Liban from Malaysia. Welcome to Nora Liban's Kitchen @ Norma Bty Kitchen.  Thank you so much for coming by and I really appreciate it. I'm always so grateful with you all.  If you are here for the first time, for your info, I've been posting recipes in my blog since 5th November 2020. My passion is cooking and I believe that everything I do with passion will make me feel fulfilled and satisfied/happy. I hereby assure you that I'll be updating my blog from time to time with new recipes@my own version of recipes or a modified version, therefore stay tuned with Nora Liban's Kitchen. Have a nice day and may God bless!!!

*If you have any queries regarding "this Recipe", feel free to leave your messages/comments in the comments section below and I'll give you a reply whenever I'm free*. 
Pictures of Ingredients and MethodπŸ‘‡
Apart from Chicken Rendang, Chicken Curry is also a very popular dish in Malaysia and Malaysian Chicken Curry is very versatile and you can add any of your preferred ingredients with it. I do like any kind of Chicken Curry but this version is my favorite. It's Chicken Curry with Dried Bean Curd and today I'm sharing with you my mother's version of Chicken Curry with Dried Bean Curd. Happy cooking and have  a blessed day.
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πŸ‘‡1. Chicken Rendang - Malaysian Style.
πŸ‘‡2. Prawn And Pineapple in Spicy Coconut Milk.
πŸ‘‡3. Malaysian Satay Dipping Sauce @ Peanut Sauce.
πŸ‘‡4. Oven Grilled Salmon Steak.
Fried Chicken Drumsticks with Sesame Seeds - Curry Flavor.
πŸ‘‡6. Cereal Butter Prawn Recipe.
πŸ‘‡7. Green Egg plant with fried anchovies.
πŸ‘‡8.  Egg Tofu with minch Chicken Meat.


Ingredients for Chicken Curry with dried Bean CurdπŸ‘‡
Ingredients A
(Bahan - Bahan A)
1). One whole Chicken (chopped into 12/14pcs)  - 1.2kg/
-(Ayam- dipotong 12/14- 1.2 kg)
2). Meat Curry powder - 1 tbsp /
-(Serbuk kari daging - 1 sdm)
3). Chicken stock - 1 cube /
-(Stok ayam - 1 kiub)
*Place chicken pieces into a bowl and add the rest of ingredients A with it. Mix well and set aside for 1 hour.
**(Letak ayam dalam satu bekas dan masukkan serbuk kari daging dan stok ayam. Gaul rata dan perap selama satu jam).
Ingredients B
(Bahan-Bahan B)
1).Thick Coconut Milk - 300ml/
-(Santan Pekat - 300ml)
2).Chicken Stock - 1 cube /
-(Stok Ayam - 1 kiub)
3).Salt - to taste /
-(Garam - ikut citarasa)
4).Brown Sugar - to taste/
-(Gula Perang - ikut citarasa)
5).Tamarind paste - 1 tsp/
-(Pes asam jawa - 1 sdt)
6). Water - 800ml, add more water if you want thinner gravy/
-(Air - 800ml, tambah air jika nak lebih kuah dan kurang pekat)
7). Cooking oil - 6 tbsp or sufficient amount /
-(Minyak masak - 6 sdm atau secukupnya)
8). Dried Beancurd - 100grams,  cut into 5cm pieces, soaked in tap water for 2 hours, drained /
-(Tauhu Kering -100gram, potong dalam 5 cm panjang, rendam dalam air pipe selama 2 jam, toskan)
Ingredients C (Finely blended)
(Bahan -Bahan C - Kisar halus)
1). Garlic - 15 Cloves, sliced/
(Bawang Putih - 15 ulas, hiriskan)
2). Shallot(s) - 20pcs(160grams), sliced/
(Bawang merah - 20 biji(160grams), hiriskan)
3). Meat Curry powder - 4 tbsp /
(Serbuk kari daging - 4 sdm)
4). Galangal - 20g, sliced/
(Lengkuas - 20g, hiriskan)
5). Candlenut or Cashew nuts - 8 pcs /
(Buah keras atau Kacang Gajus - 8 biji)
6). Ginger - 10grams, sliced /
(Halia - 10gram, hiris)
7). Dried chilli - 15 pcs, soak in hot water and drained - add more chillies if you want it to be extra hot or get them deseeded if you want a less spicy curry)
(Ciili kering- - 15 biji, rendam dalam air panas - tambah cili kalau nak lebih pedas atau buang biji cili kalau tak nak terlalu pedas)
8). Lemongrass - 3 stalks(white part only), sliced /
(Serai - 3 batang, bahagian putih sahaja, hiris)
9). Fresh Turmeric - 3 cm, sliced /
(Kunyit segar - 3 cm, hiris)
*Put ingredients B in a blender and blend until fine.
**(Masukkan bahan B dalam blender dan kisar halus).
Ingredients D 
(Bahan-Bahan D)
1). Curry leaves - 2 sprigs, remove the curry leaves from the stem and discard the stem /
-(Daun kari - 2 tangkai, ambil daun sahaja)
2). Oil - 6 tbsp @ add more if needed /
-(Minyak - 6 Sdm @ tambah jika perlu)
3). Cinnamon Stick - 1 piece * optional/
(Kulit Kayu Manis - 1 keping * optional)
4). Cardamom - 2 pieces * optional /
(Buah Pelaga - 2 biji * optional)
5). Cloves - 2 pieces * optional /
(Cengkih - 2 biji * optional)
6). Star Anise - 2 pieces * optional /
(Bunga Lawang - 2 biji * optional)
(Cara-cara memasak πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡)

1. Heat 6 tbsp (add more if needed) of oil and stir fry half of the curry leaves, Cinnamon stick, Cardamon, Cloves and Star Anise till fragrant. Then add in the blended ingredients (Ingredients C) and stir over low heat until red colour oil is visible.
**(Panaskan 6 sdm minyak(tambah jika perlu), tumiskan separuh daun kari, kayu Manis, buah pelaga, cengkih, bunga lawang hingga wangi. Kemudian masukkan bahan kisar(C) dan masak dengan api kecil hingga pecah minyak).

2. Add in chicken pieces (A) and stir fry over low heat until the moisture begin to ooze out from the chicken. Add water and bring to boil over medium - high heat.
**(Masukkan ayam (A) dan masak dengan api kecil hingga ayam mengeluarkan cecair. Kemudian masukkan air dan biarkan sehingga mendidih dengan api sederhana dan besar).

3. Add salt, brown sugar, chicken stock, coconut milk and tamarind paste. Stir briefly and add in the beancurd.  Cook until the chicken is tender.
**(Tambahkan garam, gula perang, kiub ayam, Santan dan pes asam jawa. Kacau sekejap dan masukkan tauhu yang telah direndam. Masakkan ayam sehingga empuk).

4. Lastly, add in the remaining curry leaves (D) and stir briefly. Turn off the heat. The Chicken curry is ready to be served.
(Akhir sekali, masukkan baki daun kari (D), kacau sekejap dan padamkan api. Sedia untuk dihidang).


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