Malaysian Beef Satay - Super Succulent Beef Satay 🌺||🌺[Satay Daging - Super Sedap].

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(Below recipe is in English and Bahasa Malaysia || Resepi ini ada terjemahan Bahasa Malaysia)

Hello wonderful people. I'm Nora Liban from Malaysia. Welcome to Nora Liban's Kitchen @ Norma Bty Kitchen.  Thank you so much for coming by and I really appreciate it. If you are here for the first time, for your info, I've been posting recipes in my blog since 5th November 2020. My passion is cooking and I believe that everything I do with passion will make me feel fulfilled and satisfied/happy. I hereby assure you that I'll be updating my blog from time to time with new recipes@my own version of recipes or a modified version, therefore stay tuned with Nora Liban's Kitchen. Have a nice day and may God bless!!!!!

*If you have any queries regarding "this Recipe", feel free to visit my Facebook Page and leave your message there and I'll give you a reply  whenever I'm free.*

Pictures of ingredients and methodsπŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡

Video for method No.4 πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡

Happy to share my version of Malaysian Beef Satay recipe with you and your family this weekend. I love satay and I've made this dish over and over again for my family and for your info my "Chicken Satay Recipe" was published  on 20th March 2020 and you can refer to that post/recipe too if you're interested. For those of you who've never heard of the word "Satay" then I've to explained to you briefly...alright...Satay is a dish consisting of small pieces of meat grilled on a bamboo skewer and served with a type of dipping sauce called "Peanut Sauce @Satay Sauce. 
Other recipes that you might like//Other recipes/posts that you might have missed πŸ‘‡
πŸ‘‡1. Tom Yam Paste @ Tom Yum Sambal.
πŸ‘‡2. Mamak-Style Fried Noodles.
πŸ‘‡3. Malaysian Chicken Curry + Potatoes.
πŸ‘‡.5. One Pan-Grilled Chicken + Potatoes.
πŸ‘‡6. Malaysian Satay Sauce @ Peanut Sauce.
Ingredients for Malaysian Beef Satay;
Ingredients A
(Bahhan - Bahan A)
1). Beef - 800 grams, rinsed, drained and cut into 1-inch cubes /
**(Daging lembu- 800 gram, cuci, potong dalam 1 inci kiub)
Ingredients B - Finely blended
(Bahan - Bahan B - Kisar halus)
1). Galangal - 60 grams, sliced /
**(Lengkuas - 60 gram, hiris)
2). Ginger - 10 grams, sliced /
**(Halia - 10 gram, hiris)
3). Lemongrass - 3 stalks, white inner part only@tender section of the bulb, sliced /
**(Serai - 3 batang, bahagian putih sahaja, hiris)
4). Coriander powder - 2 tbsp /
**(Serbuk ketumbar - 2 sdm)
5). Cumin powder - 2 tsp /
**(Serbuk jintan putih - 2 sdt)
6). Chilli Powder - 3 tsp /
**(Serbuk Cili - 3 sdt)
7). Turmeric Powder - 3 tsp /
**(Serbuk Kunyit - 3 sdt)
8). Shallot(s) - 5 pcs, sliced /
**(Bawang Merah - 5 biji, hiris)
9). Garlic - 5 cloves, sliced /
**(Bawang Putih - 5 ulas, hiris)
10). Fennel powder - 1 tsp /
**(Serbuk jintan manis - 1 tsp /
Put all ingredients B in a blender and blend until fine.
**(Masukkan semua bahan B dalam blender dan kisar halus)
Ingredients C - 
(Bahan - Bahan C)
1). Palm Sugar - 2 tbsp /
**(Gula Melaka - 2 sdm)
2). Granulated/White sugar or brown sugar - 6 tbsp or to taste /
**(Gula pasir atau gula perang - 6 sdm atau ikut citarasa)
3). Tamarind paste - 1 tsp.  Note : Tamarind acidity help to tenderize the beef /
**(Pes asam jawa - 1 sdt. Note : Pes asam jawa boleh memlembutkan daging yang liat)
4). Salt - 1 tsp /
**(Garam - 1 sdt)
5). Beef Stock cube - 2 cubes /
**(Stock Pati Lembu - 2 kube)
6). Oil - 2 tbsp /
**(Minyak - 2 sdm)
Ingredients D
(Bahan - Bahan D)
1). Oil - 5 tbsp, add oil if needed/
**(Minyak - 5 sdm, tambah minyak jika perlu)
2). Ingredient B/blended ingredients - 1 tsp /
**(Bahan B/bahan kisar -1 sdt)
Put ingredients D in a bowl and mix well.
**(Masukkan bahan D dalam sebuah mangkuk dan gaul rata.
πŸ‘‰25cm Bamboo Skewers - 30 to 35pcs, soaked in water for about 30 minutes /
**(Lidi buluh - 30 hingga 35 batang, rendam sekejap dalam air)
(Cara Membuat)
1). Place A(beef) in a large bowl. Add the blended ingredients(B) and ingredients C with the beef pieces and toss well. Leave to marinate in the refrigerator for at least 10 hours or overnight. 
**(Masukkan A (daging lembu) dalam satu mangkuk dan tambahkan bahan kisar (B) dan juga bahan C. Campur rata dan perap sekurang - kurangnya 10 jam atau satu malam dalam peti sejuk).

2). Then thread/spear  4 - 5 pieces of the marinated meat onto each skewer.
**(Masukkan 4 - 5 keping daging yang telah diperap pada lidi hingga selesai).

3). Grill or barbecue the meat over charcoal fire but if you prefer to use a non stick grill pan then you can go ahead with it. For this recipe I used non stick grill pan to grill my satay. 
**(Bakar daging dengan mengunakan dapur arang. Kalau tak ada dapur arang, kamu juga boleh guna non stick pan untuk membakar satay).

4). While grilling, brush the oil mixture(D) onto the meat with a heat resistant barbecue/pastry brush or a stalk of bruised lemongrass.  
**(Sapu bahan D(minyak) pada daging semasa proses membakar dengan mengunakan heat resistant barbecue/pastry brush ataupun batang serai yang diketuk).

5). Flip the meat frequently in order to prevent the meat from burning until it is cooked through and slightly charred  for about 3-4 minutes on each side. 
**(Balikkan daging selalu untuk mengelakkan daging terbakar.  Bakar hingga daging betul-betul masak dan sedikit hangus dalam lebih kurang 3 - 4 minit untuk satu belah).

6). Once done, serve it with Peanut sauce @ Satay Sauce, Cucumber slices, tomato slices, Compressed rice @ Nasi himpit and etc.
**(Bila sudah masak, hidang dengan kuah satay@kuah kacang, timun, tomato, nasi himpit dan sebagainya).
