Malaysian Chicken Curry + Potatoes - With Gravy version🌺||🌺[Kari Ayam + Kentang - Versi berkuah]

(Recipe is in English and Bahasa Malaysia)

Hello wonderful people. I'm Nora Liban from Malaysia. Welcome to Nora Liban's Kitchen @ Norma Bty Kitchen.  Thank you so much for coming by and I really appreciate it. If you are here for the first time, for your info, I've been posting recipes in my blog since 5th November 2020. My passion is cooking and I believe that everything I do with passion will make me feel fulfilled and satisfied/happy. I hereby assure you that I'll be updating my blog from time to time with new recipes@my own version of recipes or a modified version, therefore stay tuned with Nora Liban's Kitchen. Have a nice day and may God bless!!!!!

*If you have any queries regarding "this Recipe", feel free to visit my Facebook Page and leave your message there and I'll give you a reply whenever I'm free.*
Pictures of Ingredients👇
I'm sharing one of my family's favorite dishes, which is "my version" of "Chicken Curry with gravy". You might be wondering on why I called it "my version", yeah, because it's a little bit different from the normal Malaysian Chicken Curry. Yes, the taste is absolutely fantastic and definitely you'll love it. These are the ingredients that I added to add flavor to my Chicken Curry such as galangal, dried chillies, candlenuts, tamarind paste, fresh turmeric, lemongrass and brown sugar. For this recipe/dish, I've excluded Cinnamon, Star Anise, Cardamom and Clove as these spices are already there blended together with other ingredients in the ready made curry powder that I used for this dish. Here are the ingredients;
Ingredients A
(Bahan - Bahan A)
1. One whole Chicken (chopped into 12/14pcs)  - 1.2kg/
-(Ayam- dipotong 12/14 - 1.2 kg)
Ingredients B
(Bahan-Bahan B)
1.Coconut Milk - 300ml/
-(Santan - 300ml)
2.Chicken seasoning Powder - 3 tsp/
-(Serbuk perasa ayam - 3 sdt)
3.Salt - to taste/
-(Garam - ikut citarasa)
4.Brown Sugar - 3 tsp or to taste/
-(Gula Perang - 3 sdt atau ikut citarasa)
5.Tamarind paste - 1 tsp/
-(Pes asam jawa - 1 sdt)
6. Water - 800ml, add more water if you want thinner gravy/
-(Air - 800ml, tambah air jika nak lebih kuah)
7. Cooking oil - 6 tbsp or to taste/
-(Minyak masak - 6 sdm @ ikut citarasa)
8. Potato - 200gram(2 potatoes), cut into six pcs /
-(Ubi kentang -200gram(2 biji), potong 6)
Ingredients C (Finely blended)
(Bahan -Bahan C - Kisar halus)
1. Garlic - 15 Cloves, sliced/
(Bawang Putih - 15 ulas, hiriskan)
2. Shallot(s) - 20pcs(160grams), sliced/
(Bawang merah - 20 biji(160grams), hiriskan)
3. Meat Curry powder - 5 tbsp /
(Serbuk kari daging - 5 sdm)
4. Galangal - 20g, sliced/
(Lengkuas - 20g, hiriskan)
5. Candlenut - 8 pcs/
(Buah keras - 8 biji)
6. Ginger - 10grams, sliced /
(Halia - 10gram, dihiris)
7). Dried chilli - 15 pcs, soak in hot water and drained - add more chillies if you want it to be extra hot)
(Ciili kering- - 15 biji, rendam dalam air panas - tambah cili kalau nak lebih pedas)
8). Lemongrass - 3 stalks(white part only), sliced /
(Serai - 3 batang, bahagian putih sahaja, hiris)
9). Fresh Turmeric - 3 cm, sliced /
(Kunyit segar - 3 cm, hiris)
*Put ingredients B in a blender and blend until fine.
*(Masukkan bahan B dalam blender dan kisar halus).
Ingredients D/Bahan D 
1. Curry leaves - 1 sprig, rinsed and removed from the stem/
(Daun kari - 1 tangkai, dicuci)
Cooking Method👇👇👇
(Cara-cara memasak 👇👇👇)
1. Heat 6 tbsp of cooking oil and stir fry the blended ingredients (Ingredients C). Stir over low heat until the oil separates from the blended ingredients. 
**(Panaskan 6 sdm minyak, tumiskan bahan kisar(C) dengan api kecil. Gaulkan hingga pecah minyak).

2. Add in chicken pieces(A) and stir fry over low heat until the moisture begin to ooze out from the chicken. Add water and potatoes then bring to boil over medium - high heat.
**(Masukkan ayam(A) dan masak dengan api kecil hingga ayam mengeluarkan cecair. Kemudian masukkan air dan ubi kentang dan biarkan sehingga mendidih dengan api sederhana dan besar).

3. Add salt, brown sugar, chicken seasoning, coconut milk and tamarind paste.  Cook until the chicken is tender.
**(Tambahkan garam, gula perang, serbuk perasa ayam, Santan dan pes asam jawa. Masakkan ayam sehingga empuk).

4. Lastly, add in the curry leaves(D) and stir briefly. Turn off the heat. The Chicken curry is ready to be served.
**(Akhir sekali, masukkan daun kari(D), gaul sekejap dan padamkan api. Sedia untuk dihidang).
