Tom Yum Paste @ Tom Yum Sambal Recipe 🌺||🌺[Resepi Pes Tom Yum @ Sambal Tom Yum]

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(Below recipe is in English and Bahasa Malaysia  🌺||🌺Resepi ada terjemahan Bahasa Malaysia)

Hello wonderful people. I'm Nora Liban from Malaysia. Welcome to Nora Liban's Kitchen @ Norma Bty Kitchen.  Thank you so much for coming by and I really appreciate it. If you are here for the first time, for your info, I've been posting recipes in my blog since 5th November 2020. My passion is cooking and I believe that everything I do with passion will make me feel fulfilled and satisfied/happy. I hereby assure you that I'll be updating my blog from time to time with new recipes@my own version of recipes or a modified version, therefore stay tuned with Nora Liban's Kitchen. Have a nice day and may God bless!!!!!

*If you have any queries regarding "this Recipe", feel free to visit my Facebook Page and leave your message there and I'll give you a reply  whenever I'm free.*

Pictures of ingredients and methods πŸ‘‡
Video for Method No. 4πŸ‘‡

Tom Yum Soup is one of my favorite Thai dishes and I've been using my homemade Tom Yum Paste for quite some time to make Tom Yum Soup whenever I feel like to have some at home. Traditionally, Tom Yum Paste is used to make Tom Yum broth for making Seafood Soup famously known as Tom Yum Soup@Thai Soup but it also can be used in fried rice/noodle, as dipping sauce, seasonings and etc. Here's my version of Tom Yum Paste recipe and trust me, the taste is absolutely delicious. I've added dried prawns and chilli powder in my Tom Yum Paste to add flavour and red colour to it with extra oil to preserve it. With extra oil, this paste would last up to one month in the refrigerator and could go up to six months in the freezer.  

Other recipes that you might like//Other recipes/posts that you might have missed πŸ‘‡
πŸ‘‡1. Spiced fried chicken wings.
πŸ‘‡2. Malaysian Beef Satay.
πŸ‘‡3. Malaysian Crab Curry.
πŸ‘‡4. Shellout@Mixed Seafood.
πŸ‘‡5. Beef Rendang.
πŸ‘‡6. Malaysian Satay Dipping sauce


Here are the ingredients for the Tom Yum Paste;πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡
Ingredients A - Finely Blended 
(Bahan-Bahan A - Kisar Halus)
1). Shallots - 130 grams, sliced /
*(Bawang merah - 130 gram, dihiris)
2). Garlic - 50 grams, sliced
*(Bawang Putih - 50 gram, dihiris)
3). Lemongrass - 10 stalks, white part only, sliced /
*(Serai - 10 batang, bahagian putih sahaja, dihiris)
4). Galangal - 60 grams, sliced /
*(Lengkuas - 60 gram, dihiris)
5). Ginger - 20 grams, sliced /
*(Halia - 20 gram, dihiris)
6). Shrimp Paste - 10 grams,*optional* - I didn't use  /
*(Belacan - 10 gram, *optional* - saya tak guna )
7). Dried chillies - 100 grams, deseeded, soaked in hot water till soft, drained /
*(Cili kering - 100 gram, buang biji kalau tak nak pedas, rendam dalam air panas dan toskan)
8). Chilli powder - 4 tbsp /
*(Serbuk Cili - 4 Sdm)
9). Kaffir lime leaves - 8 pieces, centre spine removed, sliced. Note : The centre spine of kaffir lime leaves taste bitter /
*(Daun limau purut - 8 keping, buang urat tengah, dihiris. Urat tengah daun limau purut berasa pahit)
10). Water - 200 ml /
*(Air - 200 ml)
Put all ingredients A in a blender and blend until fine.
*(Masukkan semua bahan A dalam blender dan kisar halus)
Ingredients B
(Bahan-Bahan B)
1. Onion - 1 piece, sliced /
*(Bawang besar - 1 biji, dihiris)
2). Shallots - 5 pieces, sliced /ok
*(Bawang Merah - 5 biji, dihiris)
3). Dried prawns - 50 grams, finely blended /
*(Udang Kering - 50 grams, kisar halus)
Ingredients C
1). Salt - 5 tsp or to taste
*(Garam - 5 sdt atau secukup rasa)
2). Anchovy  stock cube - 2 cubes /
*(Kube Pati Ikan bilis - 2 kube)
3). Brown sugar - 6 tsp or to taste
*(Gula Perang - 6 sdt atau secukup rasa)
4). Tamarind paste - 4 tsp or to taste /
*(Pes Asam Jawa - 4 sdt atau secukup rasa)
5). MSG - to taste* Optional /
*(MSG - secukup rasa*optional)
6). Water - 600ml /
*(Air - 600ml)
Oil - 350ml /
*(Minyak masak - 350ml)
(Cara membuat).
1). Heat 350ml of oil in a wok and stir fry sliced onion and shallots (B) till fragrant. Add in blended dried prawns(B) and stir fry briefly.
(Panaskan 350ml minyak dalam kuali dan masukkan bawang besar dan bawang merah (B) dan tumis hingga wangi. Masukkan udang kering kisar dan kacau sekejap).

2). Then add in ingredients A and stir fry well over low heat till oil separate from the blended ingredients.
(Masukkan Bahan A dan kacau dengan api kecil hingga  pecah minyak).

3). Add in 600ml of water, salt, anchovy stock cubes, brown sugar and tamarind paste. Stir well.
(Masukkan 600ml air, garam, stok ikan bilis, pes asam jawa dan gula perang. Kacau rata). 

4). Simmer over low heat with the lid on and stir occasionally till the sauce/paste has thickened and red colour oil is visible  and float to the surface.
(Masak dengan api kecil dan kacau sekali-sekala hingga sos/pes menjadi pekat).

5). Once the sauce/paste has thickened, turn off the heat.
(Bila sos/pes sudah pekat, padamkan api).

6). Dish out and set aside to cool down to room temperature before putting the Tom Yum Paste into a sterilized jar.
(Sejukkan Pes Tom Yum sebelum disimpan di dalam bekas yang bersih).
