Beef Tripe Curry - So addictive - Less Spicy🌺||🌺[Kari Perut Lembu - Buat Ketagih - Kurang Pedas]

(Recipe is in English and Bahasa Malaysia)

Hello wonderful people. I'm Nora Liban from Malaysia. Welcome to Nora Liban's Kitchen @ Norma Bty Kitchen.  Thank you so much for coming by and I really appreciate it. If you are here for the first time, for your info, I've been posting recipes in my blog since 5th November 2020. My passion is cooking and I believe that everything I do with passion will make me feel fulfilled and satisfied/happy. I hereby assure you that I'll be updating my blog from time to time with new recipes@my own version of recipes or a modified version, therefore stay tuned with Nora Liban's Kitchen. Have a nice day and may God bless!!!!!

*If you have any queries regarding "this Recipe", feel free to visit my Facebook Page and leave your message there and I'll give you a reply  whenever I'm free.
Pictures of ingredients and methods👇👇👇
Today, I'm sharing with you what I cooked for our dinner last night,  yeah...I made Beef tripe curry and for your info, I've made this over and over again for my family. This is my own recipe,  I simply love the taste, it's very flavorful and most importantly it's not that spicy. But if you love extra hot curry, then you may add more chilli powder and you can even add bird's eye chilli in your curry if you like. We usually serve it with Turmeric rice, Steamed white rice, Roti paratha and other side dishes. You can also use Lamb Tripe or Goat Tripe for this recipe if you don't eat beef and I hope you love this recipe too. Stay safe, happy cooking and here are the ingredients;

Ingredients A
(Bahan - Bahan A) 
1). Beef tripe - 1.1 kg, cut into pieces, cleaned and drained/
*(Perut Lembu - 1.1 kg, dipotong mengikut selera masing-masing, cuci dan tos)
Method for A👉Pour 2.5 litres of water in pot and bring to a rolling boil over high heat. Put the beef tripe in the boiling water and simmer over low - medium flame till tender. Once the beef tripe is tender, remove it from the pot, drain well and set aside. 
**(Cara membuat untuk A👉Didihkan 2.5 liter air dalam periuk dengan api besar. Bila air sudah mendidih masukkan bahan A(perut lembu), rebus dengan api kecil -sederhana hingga empuk. Tos dan ketepikan.
Ingredients B
(Bahan-bahan B)
1). Onion - 1 Pc, sliced /
*(Bawang besar - 1 biji, dihiris)
2). Curry Leaves - 1 sprig, remove the leaves from the stems and discard the stems /
*(Daun Kari -1 tangkai, ambil daun sahaja dan buang tangkai)
3). Cinnamon - 4 cm /
*(Kayu Manis - 4 cm)
4). Tomato - 80 grams, chopped /
*(Tomato - 80 gram, dicincang)
5). Lemongrass - 1 stalk, bruised /
*(Serai - 1 batang, diketuk)
Ingredients C - Finely blended
(Bahan - Bahan C - Kisar halus)
1). Shallots - 10 pieces, sliced /
*(Bawang merah - 10 biji, dihiris)
2). Garlic - 10 cloves, sliced /
*(Bawang Putih - 10 cloves, dihiris)
3). Fresh Ginger - 2 cm, sliced /
*(Halia - 2 cm, dihiris)
4). Meat Curry powder - 3 tbsp /
*(Serbuk Kari Daging - 3 Sdm)
5). Chilli powder - 2 tbsp /
*(Serbuk Cili - 2 Sdm)
6). Turmeric powder - 1 tsp or Fresh turmeric - 5 cm/
*(Serbuk Kunyit - 1 sdt atau Kunyit segar - 5 cm)
7). Coriander powder -1 tsp /
*(Serbuk ketumbar - 1 sdt)
8). Fennel Powder - 1 tsp /
*(Serbuk jintan Manis - 1 tsp /
9). Cumin Powder - 1 tsp /
*(Serbuk jintan Putih - 2 tsp)
👉 Combine ingredients C in a blender and blend until smooth.
**(Masukkan bahan C dalam blender dan kisar halus)
Ingredients D
(Bahan - Bahan D)
1. Salt - to taste /
*(Garam - secukup rasa)
2). Brown sugar/Palm sugar/White Sugar - to taste /
*(Gula Perang/Gula Melaka/Gula Putih - secukup rasa)
3). Beef stock cube - 1 cube /
*( Pati Daging lembu - 1 kube)
4). Water - 500 ml /
*(Air - 500 ml)
5). Thick coconut milk - 200 ml /
*(Santan pekat - 200 ml)
Oil for frying - 5 tbsp, add more if needed /
*(Minyak - 5 Sdm, tambah jika perlu)
(Cara membuat 👇)
1). Heat enough oil in a wok and sauté onion and lemongrass till fragrant. Add chopped tomatoes, curry leaves and cinnamon and stir briefly.
*(Panaskan minyak dalam kuali dan tumiskan bawang besar dan serai hingga wangi. Masukkan kayu manis, tomato dan juga daun kari. Kacau sekejap). 

2). Then put in the blended ingredients(Ing. B), stir well over low heat till oil rises to the top or red colour oil is visible.
*(Kemudian masukkan bahan kisar (bahan B), kacau rata dengan api kecil hingga pecah minyak).

3). And then add in the boiled beef tripe (Ing. A) and stir well till all are evenly coated with the gravy.
*(Masukkan perut lembu yang telah direbus (Bahan A) dan gaul rata).

4). Cover the wok and let it sear for about 5 minutes over medium heat.
*(Tutup kuali dan masak dengan api sederhana selama 5 minit).

5). Add in water, salt, beef stock, sugar(Ingredients D) and stir briefly. Simmer over medium heat for 15 minutes or till the gravy has thickened. 
*(Masukkan air, garam, pati lembu dan juga gula dan gaul sekejap. Masak dengan api sederhana selama 15 minit atau sehingga kuah pekat).

6). Then pour 200ml of thick coconut milk and mix well. Cover wok with the lid and continue to simmer the beef tripe curry for 5 minutes over medium heat.
*(Kemudian tuangkan 200ml santan pekat, campur rata dan masak lagi dengan api sederhana selama 5 minit).

7). Once done, turn off the heat and dish out the beef tripe curry. It's ready to be served.
*(Bila dah siap, matikan api dan kari perut lembu sedia untuk dihidang).
