Salmon Fish Head Curry - Malaysian Indian style Fish Head Curry🌺||🌺(Kari Kepala Ikan Salmon )

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(Recipe is in English and Bahasa Malaysia)

Hello wonderful people. I'm Nora Liban from Malaysia. Welcome to Nora Liban's Kitchen @ Norma Bty Kitchen.  Thank you so much for coming by and I really appreciate it. I'm always so grateful with you all.  If you are here for the first time, for your info, I've been posting recipes in my blog since 5th November 2020. My passion is cooking and I believe that everything I do with passion will make me feel fulfilled and satisfied/happy. I hereby assure you that I'll be updating my blog from time to time with new recipes@my own version of recipes or a modified version, therefore stay tuned with Nora Liban's Kitchen. Have a nice day and may God bless!!!

*If you have any queries regarding "this Recipe", feel free to visit my Facebook Page" and leave your message there and I'll give you a reply whenever I'm free. 'or' feel free to leave your messages/comments in the comments section below*
Pictures of ingredients👇👇👇
I made 'Salmon Fish Head Curry' last night for our dinner with simple ingredients available in almost every home and here are the ingredients that I used. I got the recipe from 'Mdm. Vasandra Davi Ramalingam' (I call her Auntie Vasandra) but I've modified the recipe to suit my own taste by adding dried prawns, Anchovy Stock and Malaysian Palm Sugar with it.  She's a Malaysian Indian, born in Kuala Lumpur and now residing in Subang Jaya, Selangor. Auntie Vasandra is definitely an expert in this area👉(Malaysian Indian Cuisine) and she's my Malaysian Indian cuisine mentor. You can also use Spanish Mackerel Head for this recipe if you like.
Ingredients A
(Bahan - Bahan A)
1. Salmon Fish Head - 1.1Kg /
-(Kepala Ikan Salmon - 1.1Kg)
Ingredients B (Finely blended)
(Bahan - Bahan B - Kisar halus)
1. Garlic - 6 Cloves, sliced/
-(Bawang Putih - 6 ulas, hiriskan)
2. Shallots - 5pcs, sliced/
-(Bawang merah - 5 biji, hiriskan)
3. Ginger - 2 cm, sliced/
-(Halia - 2 cm, hiris/
4. Fish Curry powder - 7 tbsp /
-(Serbuk Kari Ikan - 7 sdm)
5. Turmeric Powder - 3 tsp /
-(Serbuk Kunyit - 3 sdt)
6. Dried Prawns - 1 tbsp*optional/
-(Udang Kering - 1 sdm*optional)
7. Chilli powder - 2 tsp /
-(Serbuk Cili - 2 sdt)
**Put all ingredients B in a blender, blend until fine.
-(Masukkan semua bahan B dalam blender dan kisar halus).
Ingredients C
(Bahan-Bahan C)
1.Thick Coconut Milk - 200ml/
-(Santan Pekat - 200ml)
2. Tamarind paste - 1/2 tsp/
-(Pes Asam Jawa - 1/2 sdt)
3. Red Chillies - 1 pc, halved/
-(Cili Merah - 1 biji, belah dua)
4. Green Chillies - 1 pc, halved/
-(Cili Hijau - 1 pc, halved)
5. Tomato - 1 pc, quartered/
-(Tomato - 1 biji, dibelah empat)
6. Lady's fingers - 5 pcs, head removed/
-(Kacang bendi - 5 biji, dibuang kepala)
7. Eggplant - 3 pcs, cut into wedges/
-(Terung - 3 biji, dibelah)
8. Curry leaves - 2 sprigs, 
-(Daun kari - 2 tangkai)
9. Water - 1.5 litres/
-(Air - 1.5 liter)
Ingredients D
(Bahan-Bahan D)
1. Fenugreek - 1/4 tsp/
-(Biji halba - 1/4 sdt)
2. Fennel Seeds - 1/2 tsp/
-(Jintan Manis - 1/2 Sdt/
3. Cumin seeds - 1/2 tsp/
-(Jintan Putih - 1/2 sdt)
4. Mustard seeds - 1/4 tsp,👉this much is enough, the taste is naturally bitter/
-(Biji sawi - 1/4 sdt, 👉banyak ni cukup sebab biji sawi memang semulajadi pahit)
5. Cinnamon stick - 1 pc/
-(Kulit kayu Manis - 1 batang)
(Bahan Perasa)
1). Salt - to taste/
-(Garam - Secukup rasa)
2). Anchovy Stock - 2 cubes /
-(Stock ikan bilis - 2 kube)
3).Malaysian Palm Sugar or Brown sugar - to taste/
-(Gula Melaka atau Gula Perang - Secukup rasa)
 Oil - 8 tbsp@add more oil if needed/
-(Minyak masak - 8 sdm @ tambah jika perlu)
Method 👇
(Cara membuat👇)
1). Heat 8 tbsp of oil and stir fry ingredients D until fragrant.
-(Panaskan minyak dan tumiskan bahan - Bahan D hingga wangi).

2). Add ingredients B(Blended Ingredients) and stir fry over low heat until the oil rises to the top.
-(Masukkan bahan B(bahan kisar) dan tumis dengan api kecil sehingga pecah minyak).

3). Add in 1.5 litres of water but if you prefer thinner gravy you can add a little more water. Bring the gravy to a rolling boil over high heat.
-(Masukkan air dan kacau rata. Boleh tambah air jika nak kuah yang kurang pekat. Masak kuah dengan api besar sehingga mendidih).

4). Then add in the rest of ingredients C and the fish head and season to taste with salt, palm sugar/brown sugar and anchovy stock. 
-(Bila sudah mendidih, masukkan baki bahan-bahan C dan juga kepala Ikan Salmon dan perasakan dengan garam, gula melaka/gula perang dan juga stock ikan bilis).

5). Simmer the curry over medium heat for about 10 minutes. Note : The fish head will break up if you cook it for too long.
-(Masak kari dengan api sederhana selama lebih kurang 10 minit. Note : Tak perlu masak kepala ikan terlalu lama kerana ianya mudah hancur).

6). Turn off the heat and ready to be served.
-(Padamkan api dan sedia untuk dihidang).
